Weapon Enchantment: +1 Heart of Ice: When dealing Cold damage, the wielder deals an additional 1 Cold damage. Refined Vault: Jump distance is increased by 1.5m. Monsterslayer: This weapon deals an additional 1d4 damage against monstrosity-type foes. Shadow Blade: You have Advantage on Attack Rolls against Lightly or Heavily Obscured targets when using this blade.

When they roll 2 damage or less, reroll the dice, taking the highest result. Weapon Enchantment: +2 Organ Rearranger: The wielder scores a Critical Hit when rolling a 19. Weapon Enchantment: +1 Haroldish Doom: When you deal damage to a target with a ranged weapon, it must succeed a Charisma Saving Throw or be Baned for 2 turns.

Weapon Enchantment: +1 Tenacity: When you miss an attack, you deal 4 Bludgeoning damage anyway. Lethal Weapon: This weapon ignores Resistance to Slashing damage. Weapon Enchantment: +1 Diamondsbane: If an adamantine weapon hits an object, the hit is always critical. Here are the best weapons you can find in Act 1. You'll soon discover just how comprehensive the combat system is in Baldur's Gate 3, and in so doing, find out just how important it is to have the best weapons. The first Act brings you into the action quickly.